WHA EVENT CALENDARFeb10-14SnoDaze WeekFeb19Pk-5 Winter OlympicsFeb19Church Release 6-8Mar4Literacy Night- (dinner 5-6 pm only)Double Study Hall, Media Center, Commons and surrounding hallwaysMar25Conferences-assigned day and time for parentsMar27Conferences-assigned day and time for parentsDouble Study Hall, Media Center, Commons and surround hallwaysMay53rd-5th Spring Music ConcertAuditoriumMay14PreK-5 Track and Field DayWHA TrackMay22Preschool GraduationAuditoriumMay24Graduation (Time may change)High School Gymnasium
Elementary Office StaffAmber YoungElementary Administrative AssistantJill McGowanPk-5 PrincipalBrittni McWatersElementary School Social Worker